New fact sheet: Reasons why water utilities choose PVC pipe
Save the date – Digital workshop for Italian utilities
New fact sheet: Reasons why water utilities choose PVC pipe
Save the date – Digital workshop for Italian utilities

C-PVC the most effective pipe material to control microbial growth in drinking water systems

C-PVC pipes is the preferred material to control microbial growth in drinking water systems

Biodegradable compounds can cause undesired microbial growth in drinking water systems and these compounds can originate from the water or pipe materials used in drinking water systems. 

In a recent study published in Water Research, Dutch water research institute KWR compares different piping materials for their ability to control microbial growth in drinking water systems. The most effective pipe material is chlorinated PVC, also known as C-PVC.

Read study

Read more in the April issue of Pipe & Profile Extrusion Magazine.

C-PVC the most effective pipe material to control microbial growth in drinking water systems
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