Browse through our extensive library of technical and scientific papers authored by PVC pipe experts. Papers marked * are only available through The Plastic Pipes Conference Association database.

Environmental footprint

Embodied Energy of Pipe Networks

Ambrose, M. D., & Burn, S. (2005). Embodied energy of pipe networks. Paper presented at the Pipes Wagga Wagga Conference, Wagga Wagga, Australia, October 18-20. (9p.)

Toward sustainable sewer networks: environmental impact assessment of pipe materials and renovation methods

Hajibabaei, M., Hesarkazzazi, S., Siverio Lima, M., Gschösser, F., & Sitzenfrei, R. (2024, June). Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD).

Drinking water quality

The Future Harmonized Certification Scheme for Products in Contact With Drinking Water*

Sejersen, P., & Aho, I. (2023). Plastics Pipes XXI, Lake Buena Vista.

Safeguarding Our Water: NSF/ANSI/CAN 61*

Foster, K. (2023). Plastics Pipes XXI, Lake Buena Vista.

Migration of substances from unplasticized polyvinylchloride into drinking water. Estimation of conservative diffusion coefficients

P.V. Mercea, C. Losher, H. Benz, M. Petrasch, C. Costa, V.W. Stone, V.Toşa, Polymer Testing, 2021.

Resistance of PVC pipes against disinfectants*

Fumire, J. (2008). Plastics Pipes XIV Conference, Budapest.

Assessment of the microbial growth potential of materials in contact with treated water intended for human consumption

Van der Kooij. D. & Veenendaal H.R. (2007). Kiwa Water Research.

Performance in service

Large Diameter PVC Pipe - Canadian Experience*

G. Lefort, Plastic Pipes XIV, Budapest, September 2008

Combined loading of buried thermoplastics pressure pipes*

F. Alferink, M.Wolters, L-E. Janson, Plastic Pipes XII, Milan 2004

Long term performance prediction of existing PVC water distribution systems (presentation)

Boersma, A., & Breen, J. (2005). Long Term Performance of Existing PVC Water Distribution Systems. In Proceedings of the 9th International PVC Conference (pp. 307-315). Brighton, 26-28th April.

Long term performance prediction of existing PVC water distribution systems (paper)*

Breen, J., Boersma, A., Slaats, P. G. G., & Vreeburg, J. H. G. (2004). Plastic Pipes XII, Milan.

Long Term Performance of PVC Pressure Pipes in a Large Rural Water Supply Scheme*

M. W. Stahmer and A.J. Whittle, Plastics Pipes XI, Munich, September 2001

PVC pipe performance in water mains and sewers

P.C. Kirby, Proc. Int. Conf. Underground Plastics Pipe, ASCE, New Orleans, March 30 - April 1 1981, pp. 161-174

PVC-O DN800: Efficient Transformation from Soil to Irrigated Land*

Herran, D. (2021). Plastic Pipes Conference XX, Amsterdam.

Testing and Evaluation of Nanoadditives in U-PVC Pipes*

Boccaleri, E., Palin, L., Rombolà, G., & Milanesio, M. (2021). Plastic Pipes Conference XX, Amsterdam.

The Design of Thermoplastics Pipes: A Recent Update*

Alferink, F., Björklund, I., & Kallioinen, J. (1998). Plastic Pipes Conference X, 1998, Gothenburg.

Analysis of PVC and C-PVC Blends*

Shakir S. (2021). Plastic Pipes Conference XX, Amsterdam.


Water Main Break Rates in the USA and Canada: A Comprehensive Study

Barfuss, S. L. (2023). Reports. Paper 683.

The role of leaks and breaks in water networks: Technical and economical solutions

Kanakoudis, V., & Tolikas, D. (2001). Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA, 50(5), 301–311.

Analysis of Water Distribution Pipe Failure Types in Winnipeg, Canada

Goulter, I. C., & Kazemi, A. (1989). Journal of Transportation Engineering, 115(2), 95–111.

An analysis of pipe breakage in urban water distribution networks

Kettler, A. J., & Goulter, I. C. (1985). Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 12(3), 286–293.

Leakages in water distribution networks: Estimation methods, influential factors, and mitigation strategies—A comprehensive review

Serafeim, A. V., Fourniotis, N. T., Deidda, R., Kokosalakis, G., & Langousis, A. (2024). Water, 16(11), 1534.

A review on the durability of PVC sewer pipes: research vs. practice

Konstantinos F. Makris, Jeroen Langeveld & François H. L. R. Clemens (2020). Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 16:6, 880-897, DOI: 10.1080/15732479.2019.1673442

Unlocking Model Predictions of PVCU Pipes Lifetimes for the Dutch Water Utilities*

Van Laarhoven, K., & Moerman, A. (2021). Plastic Pipes Conference XX, Amsterdam.

Evaluation of different specimen geometries and testing configurations for the assessment of the degree of gelation of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) pipes using the essential work of fracture approach

Rodolfo Jr, A., & John, V. M. (2022). Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 276 (Part A), 108880.

Application of fracture mechanics for the characterization of PVC pipes. I. Evaluation of the applicability of the EWF technique in specimens produced directly from pipes

Antonio Rodolfo Jr., Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2021

Application of fracture mechanics for the characterization of poly(vinyl chloride) pipes. II. Evaluation of a ring-type specimen for fracture mechanics testing

Antonio Rodolfo Jr., Vanderley M. John, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 2021

100-year lifetime for PVC-U and PVC-Hi pressure pipe systems buried in the ground for water and natural gas supply

Position paper, TEPPFA and PVC4Pipes, 2019

Quality assessment of the PVC gas grid in the Netherlands

René Hermkens, Kiwa Technology, PVC4Pipes Event, 2019, Bologna

70 years experience with PVC pipes*

T. Hülsmann and R. E. Nowack, Plastics Pipes XII, Milan, 2004

Validation of the Long Life of PVC Pipes*

S. Folkman, Plastics Pipes XVII, Chicago, September 2014

Lifetime Expectancy of PVC Pipelines for Sewer Systems*

H. Meerman, Plastics Pipes XIV, Budapest, September 2008

Predicting the residual life of PVC sewer pipes*

A. Whittle & J. Tennakoon, Plastics Pipes XII, Milan, 2004

PVC Pipes in Gas Distribution: Still Going Strong!*

R. Hermknes, M. Wolters, J. Weller and R. Visser, Plastics Pipes XIV, Budapest, September 2008

Quality of PVC Sewage Pipes in the Netherlands - Management Summary

J. Breen, TNO Report MT-RAP-2008-01066/mso|2, TNO Science and Industry, April 2008

Expected Lifetime of Existing Water Distribution Systems - Management Summary

J. Breen, TNO Report MT-RAP-06-18692/mso, TNO Science and Industry, May 2006

Old PVC-U water pressure pipes: An investigation into the design and durability

F. Alferink, L-E. Janson and L. Holloway, PVC '96, Brighton, 1996, pp. 87-96

The Durability of a Low-Pressure Gas Distribution System of Ductile PVC*

T. Meijering, M. Wolters & R. Hermkens, Plastics Pipes XII, Milan, 2004

Long-term Behaviour of Buried PVC Sewer Pipes*

L-E. Janson, Plastics Pipes IX, 1995

Old PVC Gravity Sewer Pipes: Long Term Performance*

F. Alferink, E. Guldbaek and J. Grootoonk, Plastics Pipes IX, 1995

The Long Term Behaviour of Buried uPVC Sewer Pipe*

D. Walton and W.J. Elzink, Plastics Pipes VII, Bath, September 1988

Physical Ageing of Buried PVC Sewer Pipes as Affecting Their Long Term Behaviour*

L-E. Janson, Plastics Pipes VII, Bath, September 1988

In-service durability of uPVC water mains*

S.J. Lancashire, Plastics Pipes VI, 1985

Plastics Pipes - How Long Can They Last

Janson, L.-E. (1996). KP Council, November 1996.

Long Term Performance of PVC Pressure Pipes

The Plastics Industry Pipe Association of Australia – PIPA. (2012).

Literature Search on Use of Flexible Pipes in Highway Engineering for DOTD’s Needs

Jafari, N. H., & Ulloa, H. O. (2020).  Report No. FHWA/LA.17/638. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University.

Durability and Performance of Gravity Pipes: A State-of-the-Art Literature Review

Zhao, J. Q., Kuraoka, S., Baker, T. H. W., Gu, P., Masson, J-F., Boudreau, S., & Brousseau, R. J. (1998). Publication No. NRCC 42868, NRC-IRC-9465. National Research Council of Canada.

60 Jahre Erfahrungen mit Rohrleitungen aus weichmacherfreiem Polyvinylchlorid (PVC-U)

Nowack, R. E. (Dipl.-Ing.), Barth, E. (Dipl.-Phys.), Otto, I. (lng.-Oec.), & Braun, E. W. (Dr.). (1995, January).

Long-Term Studies of PVC and PE Pipes Subjected to Forced Constant Deflection

Janson, L.-E. (1991). Report No. 3, KP-Council.

PVC Pipe Longevity Report: Affordability and the 100+ Year Benchmark Standard

Folkman, S. (2014). Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty Publications. Paper 170.


Lifecycle Cost Benefits of PVC-U Pipes in Europe

A, Marangoni. (2024). Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Technology. 1-5. 10.47363/JEAST/2024(6)206.


Hydrogen Permeation of PVC-O Pipe and Coupler at Different Temperatures

van Greuningen, S. (2024). Kiwa Technology B.V.

Leak Tightness of PVC Fittings with Hydrogen

Hermkens, R., & Jansma, S. (2022). Kiwa Technology B.V.


Fate of Microplastics in the Drinking Water Production

Bäuerlein, P. S., Hofman-Caris, R. C. H. M., Pieke, E. N., & ter Laak, T. L. (2022). Water Research, 221, 118790.

 Microplastics and Plastic Pipes*

Sejersen, P., & Debever, L. (2023). Plastics Pipes Conference XXI, Lake Buena Vista.


Commitment to Sustainability in Structured-Wall PVC-U Pipes for Sewerage. “Circular Certification” for “Circular Products”*

Pascual, R. (2023). Plastics Pipes XXI, Lake Buena Vista.

Slow Crack Growth Resistance of Reprocessed PVC*

Frank, A., Messiha, M., Dreiling, G., Schuler, N., Storheil, J.-M., Mayrbäurl, E., Ramella, S., Krause, F., Berning, R., Gabriëls, P., Aydemir, A., Koch, T., Arbeiter, F., & Pinter, G. (2021). Plastic Pipes Conference PPXX, Amsterdam.

A Cost Benefit Analysis of PVC Pipes Recycling*

Marangoni, A. (2021). Plastic Pipes Conference XX, Amsterdam.

How much recycled PVC in PVC pipes?*

Fumire, J. & Tan, S.R. (2012). Plastic Pipes Conference XVI, Barcelona.

Effects of repeated extrusion on the properties and durability of rigid PVC scrap

Yarahmadi, Nazdaneh & Jakubowicz, Ignacy & Gevert, Thomas. (2001). Polymer Degradation and Stability. 73. 93-99. 10.1016/S0141-3910(01)00073-8.

Closed Loop Recycling Opportunities for PVC

Leadbitter, J., & Bradley, J. (1997). IPTME Symposium, Loughborough University, 3-4 November 1997.

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