Reliable information about PVC and PVC pipe solutions
The PVC Pipes Training Package for the PVC Pipes and Fittings Producers has been developed by PVC and PVC pipe experts. The Training Package contains reliable, consistent and professional information about PVC material and PVC solutions in the relevant applications.Educate your sales force
and train your employees
Deliver to the market and stakeholders
reliable, consistent and professional information about PVC material and PVC solutions in the relevant applications
Provide science-based answers
to frequently asked questions about PVC and PVC pipes
Promote the continuous improvement
in quality levels along the PVC chain
Contribute to raising the PVC image in the global market
and promote PVC without denigrating other plastics
Demonstrate how the European PVC industry
through the voluntary commitment to sustainable development VinylPlus® and participation in Operation Clean Sweep® is environmentally aware and pro-active in compliance with regulatory approvals and sustainable development
Conditions of use
- The Training Package is the full property of PVC4Pipes and its full partners
- The Training Package is for reading view only
- The use of the Training Package in external presentations (conferences, fairs, exhibitions, events etc.) is only allowed for the PVC4Pipes full partners. Use of the Training Package in full or in part in external presentations is totally forbidden for the other users
- Any alteration or modification of the Training Package is strictly forbidden
- Distribution of the Training Package or part of it in any format (including print screens, pictures etc.) is strictly forbidden