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Lucky iPad winners announced at Plastic Pipes XIX
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Register now for the PVC Pipe Association’s 47th Annual Meeting
Pipeline Replacement in Las Vegas ipad winner pipes xix
Lucky iPad winners announced at Plastic Pipes XIX
pvc pipe association uni bell san diego
Register now for the PVC Pipe Association’s 47th Annual Meeting

Molecor presents PVC-O innovations in Pipes and Profile Extrusion

molecor pvc-o c-pvc innovation pipes and profile extrusion news

molecor pvc-o c-pvc innovation pipes and profile extrusion newsmolecor pvc-o c-pvc innovation pipes and profile extrusion news

Molecor, PVC-O pipe manufacturer and PVC4Pipes partner, is featured in the latest edition of the Pipes and Profile Extrusion magazine. In the article, Molecor presents innovations in molecular orientation technology. Lately the company has applied molecular orientation to chlorinated PVC (C-PVC) pipes. The aim is to "achieve a product with all the advantages of PVC-O, but with greater temperature resistance," says Molecor CEO Ignacio Muñoz.

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pvc innovations

Innovations in oriented PVC

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